Ikas Lingua is the responsible for this website.

In this privacy statement I inform how I collect, manage and use the personal data that is provided to me. Since user privacy is important to me, I have created a safe and trustworthy space where your rights are always guaranteed. Please read the privacy policy carefully before continuing browsing and / or providing your information to this website.

“Ikas Lingua” guarantees compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data, reflected in Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data and in Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the LOPD Development Regulation. It also complies with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons (GDPR), as well as with Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI).

Responsible for the processing of personal data

Responsible Identity: IKAS LINGUA

Commercial name: IKAS LINGUA

NIF/CIF: 72477570Q

Address: c / Patxillardegi, 10. CP: 20014 San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa.

Email: info@ikaslingua.com

Activity: online Spanish classes.


When a user sends me an email, a class reservation form, or when making a contract, he is providing personal information for which “Ikas Lingua” is responsible. This information includes personal data such as name, physical address, email address, telephone number, etc. By providing this information, the user gives his consent for it to be collected, used, managed and stored by “Ikas Lingua”. Non-identifying data is also collected through cookies, the conditions of which you can check in the Cookies Policy.


The treatment of the data provided is intended to address requests made by users, the inclusion in the contacts agenda, the provision of services and the management of the business relationship. Under no circumstances will such data be used for purposes not known or not explicitly authorized by the user.


In the processing of personal data, I will apply the following principles that conform to the requirements of the new European data protection regulation:

Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency: the user will be previously informed with absolute transparency of the specific purposes for which his personal data will be required. The processing of your data will not be carried out without explicit consent.

Principle of limitation of purpose: The requested data will be used solely and exclusively for specific purposes. In no case will they be used for another purpose not known or not previously authorized by the user.

Principle of data minimization: I will only request the data that is strictly necessary in relation to the indicated purposes.

Principle of integrity and confidentiality: The information provided will, in any case, be considered confidential, without being able to be used for other purposes than those related to the contracted services acquired in “Ikas Lingua”. Likewise, adequate security measures have been adopted to protect said data, preventing loss, misuse, alteration and unauthorized access or theft of them.

Principle of limitation of the storage period : the data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the specific purposes of the treatment.


The LOPD and the GDPR grant users the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. To do this, the interested party should go, providing supporting documentation (ID or passport) by email to info@ikaslingua.com, or by written communication, to the address that appears in my legal notice. Said communication must reflect the following information: Name and surname of the user, the request request, the address and the supporting information.

The exercise of rights must be performed by the user. However, they may be executed by a person authorized as the legal representative of the interested party. In this case, the documentation proving the authorization must be provided.

The user may request the exercise of the following rights:

-Right to request access to personal data.

-Right to request rectification (if they are incorrect) or deletion.

-Right to request the limitation of their treatment, in which case they will only be kept by “Ikas Lingua” for the exercise or defense of claims.

-Right to oppose the treatment, in which case, “Ikas Lingua” will stop processing your data, unless for legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims have to continue to be treated.

-Right to data portability.

In the event that consent has been granted for any specific purpose, the user has the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

If a user considers that there is a problem with the way in which “Ikas Lingua” is handling their data, they can direct their claims to the Security Manager or the corresponding data protection authority, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection being the indicated in the case of Spain.


The User must guarantee the veracity and authenticity of the data provided by him by virtue of the use of this website. Therefore, it undertakes to notify “Ikas Lingua” of any modification thereof, in order to keep said information updated and without errors. The user will be responsible for the truthfulness of their data and will be solely responsible for the conflicts or damages that could result from their falsity.